What Are the Most Common Mistakes B2B Digital Marketers Make?

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Hey, industrial marketers.

Let’s talk about digital marketing mistakes that mid-sized B2B industrials keep making. For me… it's like watching the same bad movie over and over.

First up, ignoring SEO. It’s 2024, gang! If your website isn’t optimized for search engines, it might as well be invisible. Remember, Google is your friend.

Next, content disasters. Posting random blog posts once in a blue moon? Yeah, that’s not a strategy. Consistency is key. Provide valuable insights regularly, not just industry jargon.

And then there’s social media neglect. No, LinkedIn isn’t just for job hunters. Engage with your audience regularly. Don’t be that awkward party guest who never says a word.

Oh, and let’s not forget analytics. Flying blind without data is a one-way ticket to marketing disaster. Track, analyze, and adjust.

Finally, overlooking mobile. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re missing out on a ton of potential leads. Face it....your customers are never giving up on their phones.

Avoid these pitfalls, and you’ll be well on your way to digital marketing success.

Stay savvy, industrial marketers!

The Repp Group has your back

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Mid-size industrials using SEO effectivelly
